Friday, March 18, 2005

CFP 4th IFAC-Symposium on Mechatronic Systems

4th IFAC-Symposium on Mechatronic Systems
Wiesloch / Heidelberg, Germany
September 12th-14th, 2006

IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control
Technical Committee on Mechatronic Systems
•VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA)
• Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Automation

Mechatronic systems comprise the synergetic functional and spatial integration of mechanical components with electronic systems and embedded information technology. This design paradigm results in innovative, smart and intelligent products.

Faster innovation cycles required by the markets and evolving advances in materials and microelectronics call for improved engineering solutions in this challenging multi-disciplinary field.

Automatic control plays a traditional strong role for the design of mechatronic systems. The feedback principle forms the basis for every controlled motion, understanding and influencing the dynamic interaction between mechatronic components is mandatory for robust product operation and machine intelligence offers new perspectives in system autonomy.

The goal of this Symposium is to continue the successful IFAC symposium series on mechatronic systems (2000 Darmstadt, 2002 Berkeley, 2004 Sydney) and to bring together experts in this interdisciplinary field from all over the world. The Symposium will give an overview about the state-of-the-art and will show the front-end as well as most recent research results and developments.

The Symposium on Mechatronic Systems 2006 will be held in conjunction with the event "50 Years of IFAC” which will be celebrated on September 15th in Heidelberg.

A. control and identification of mechatronic systems (nonlinear control, nonlinear estimation and filtering, robust control, adaptive control, hybrid control, etc.)
B. methods and tools for multi-disciplinary modelling, design, simulation, test, verification, rapid prototyping
C. safety and reliability (diagnosis, failure tolerance, failure management, etc.)
D. human-machine-interaction (haptic interfaces, force feedback, impedance control, etc.)
E. mechatronic components and devices (actuator and sensor systems, non-conventional actuators, signal processing, etc.)
F. applications and products such as robotics, machines, vehicles, automotive systems, marine, aerospace, optical systems, bio-medical systems, micro-/nanosystems, smart structures, vibration and noise control, motion control
G. academic education and further training

Best Paper Awards
Awards will be given in different categories such as student, industrial and innovation papers.

Submission of Papers
Please send a draft paper (A4 size) with 4-6 pages in English until Jan. 15th, 2006 by e-mail to The draft paper should clearly indicate the merits of the new contributions and the relevance to the theme of mechatronic systems. Only unpublished papers may be submitted. Please structure the first page as follows: (1) Title, (2) authors, complete address(es), affiliations, phone/fax number, email address, (3) classification symbol according to topics (e.g D), 10 keywords.
The draft paper should show the main contributions, figures, equations etc. and related literature to allow a fair reviewing procedure by the International Program Committee.

Proposals for invited sessions: Jan. 15th, 2006
Submission of contributed papers: Jan. 15th, 2006
Notification of acceptance: March 15th, 2006
Submission of final papers: June 19th, 2006

International Program Committee (IPC)
Chair: K. Janschek (DE)
Co-Chair: M. Tomizuka (US)
IFAC TC Representatives:
TC 4.2 Mechatronic Systems: R. Goodall (UK)
TC 4.3 Robotics J. Sasiadek (CA)
TC 2.1 Control Design L. Del Re (AT)
TC 3.1 Computers for Control R. Sanz (ES) (invited)
TC 3.3 Computer & Telematics H. Roth (DE)
TC 6.4 Safeprocess L. Nielsen (SE’)
TC 7.1 Automotive Control L. Guzzella (CH)
TC 7.2 Marine Systems A. Tiano (IT)
TC 7.3 Aerospace D. De Bra (US)
K. Schilling (DE)
TC 7.5 Intelligent Autonomous H. Asama (JP) (invited)
J. van Amerongen (NL) R. Koeppe (DE)
M.H. Ang (SG) A. Kugi (DE)
T. Bertram (DE) C.W. Lee (KR)
G. Bretthauer (DE) G. Magnani (IT)
H. van Brussel (BE) C. Melchiorri (IT)
M. Buss (DE) M. Meng (CN)
G.T.C Chiu (US) R. Moheimani (AU)
D. Cho (KR) G. Morel (FR)
B. Corves (DE) R. Nordmann (DE)
A.J. Fleming (UK) J.H. Oh (KR)
K. Furuta (JP) K. Ohnishi (JP)
G. Gissinger (FR) H. Peng (US)
A. Halme (FI) N. Piat (FR)
H. Hashimoto (JP) G. Roberts (UK)
B. Heimann (DE) S. Rock (US)
C. Hierold (CH) K. Schlacher (AT)
M. Hiller (DE) H. P. Schoener (DE)
G. Hirzinger (DE) B. Siciliano (IT)
J. Hu (TW) R. Siegwart (CH)
R. Isermann (DE) R. Sutton (UK)
B. Iung (FR) H. Thompson (UK)
M. Kaneko (JP) T.Ch. Tsao (US)
O. Kaynak (TR) B. Yao (US)
C. Knospe (US) J.Y. Yen (TW)

National Organizing Committee (NOC):
Chair: F. Harbach
R. Bertrand S. Kock
Ch. Ehmann M. Münchhof
K. Janschek D. Westerkamp
M. Kaufmann
Organization by VDI/VDE-GMA:
A. Ringelmann D. Westerkamp

Mailing Adress:
Please address all correspondance to:
Mrs. A. Ringelmann
P.O.Box 10 11 39 Graf-Recke-Str. 84
D-40002 Duesseldorf. D-40239 Duesseldorf, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 211 62 14-2 28
Fax: +49 (0) 211 62 14-1 61

The material submitted for presentation at an IFAC meeting (congress, symposium, conference, workshop) must be original, not published or being considered elsewhere. All papers accepted for presentation will appear in the Preprints of the meeting and will be distributed to the participants. Papers duly presented will be archived and offered for sale, in the form of Proceedings, by Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. The presented papers will be further screened for possible publication in the IFAC journals Automatica and Control Engineering Practice, or in an IFAC affiliated journal. A record of all presented papers will also appear in Control Engineering Practice.

Copyright of material presented at an IFAC meeting is held by IFAC. Authors will be sent a copyright transfer form. Automatica, Control Engineering Practice and, after these, IFAC affiliated journals have priority access to all contributions presented. However, if the author is not contacted by an editor of these journals, within three months after the meeting, the author is free to re-submit the material for publication elsewhere. In this case, the paper must carry a reference to the IFAC meeting where it was originally presented.

The Symposium will be held at the PALATIN Kongress Hotel in Wiesloch near by Heidelberg, the city where the event "50 Years of IFAC” will be celebrated on September 15th 2006. The PALATIN Kongress Hotel in the center of Wiesloch was built in 1992. Within the years it became a main location for events of all kinds.

Wiesloch is situated in the heart of one of Germany's most famous wine growing areas. This city is close to important corporate sites and has - at the same time - lovely Heidelberg and the picturesque Neckar valley with ruined castles on the hills and neat little villages by the river, nearby.

The name stands for the world-famous Castle and a picturesque Old Town in breathtakingly beautiful surroundings. It stands both for Germany's oldest university and modern research facilities. For historic streets and a lively university atmosphere. For total relaxation and beautiful walks, plus stimulating international conferences and festivals. It also stands for the longest and one of the most attractive pedestrian zones in Europe.

Symposium Style:
The Symposium will include plenary papers, contributed and invited paper presentation, poster sessions and discussion sessions.
The official Symposium language is English.
The registration fee will be about 490 EUR + VAT for all participants.

Current information:


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